martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Advertisement EU contest

Gorka, Gonzalo eta Aritz gara eta iragarki bat egin dugu Europar Batasuneko txapelketa baterako. Xede nagusia jendeak Europar Batasuneko eskubideei buruz ikastea litzateke. Ikusi dezuten bezala, subtituloak falta dira, baina egun gutxitan jarriko dizkiogu.

We are Gorka, Gonzalo and Aritz and we have done an advertisement for a contest about the EU. The main objective of it was to make people learn about the EU's rights. As you can see, the video needs subtitles, and we 'll add then in few days.

Hola, Somos Gorka, Gonzalo y Aritz y hemos hecho un anuncio para un concurso cuyo principal objetivo es empujar a la gente a conocer sus derechos como ciudadanos de la Union Europea. Como podeis ver, al video le faltan subtitulos, pero los subiremos enseguida.

EU Advertisement


 Here we have a little quizz that we have prepared about the EU.
Click here to do the Quizz

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Irish in Donostia

These days the students of Wilson Hospital School have come to Donostia. We only have met for 10 days, but we know each other as if we have been friends for ages. I remember clearly that they said that the weekend in Donostia have been the best of therir lifes. I've heared that they're planning a journey to Donostia in "the big week", we'll meet again earlier than we thought...

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Irish exchange (Gorka's activity)

At easter holidays we've been to Ireland on an exchange with Wilson Hospital School. My partner was boarded, so I went to Colin's ( another Irish who was taking part in the exchange) house with Aritz Ibarloza and Paul Berra.

Day one:  We went to Mullingar where we grap up some food and we went shopping. I bought a lot of clothes in Penney's which only costed me little money (excellent! :D). After that, we went to Colin's house and play Playstation for about 2 hours.

Day two: When we got up, the breakfast was already prepared at the huge kitchen of the house. After about 50 min in car, we arrived to Wilson's and there we went to a pray (great...) where we met students that came to Donosti last year. After the pray, we tried hurling, an Irish sport. Then, we tried step dancing. We had lunch, and then, we did a workshop about gender equallity  for 6 hours more or less and after all, we returned to Mullingar where we ate a lot of McDonald's food (because we didn't like the school's food).

Third day: That day, we went to Dublin in compagnion of the teachers. we visited Collin's Barracks and then we went shopping... again (very exciting...). That night, we went bowling in a recreation center ( I scored 98 points, so bad...).

Fourth day: We went to Dublin (again...) but by our own (Nice! :D). Iñigo and I went seightseeing and visited many shops (again...) and visited Abercrombie...

Fifth day: Adam (my partner) and I stayed at home playing Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (Nice! :D) all the day  and ate a lot of junk food.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013


We have donde a blog about sustainability and we'd like you to visit it, because we have worked a lot on it and we think it is an interesting topic. Click below to go to it:

Let's safe our resources

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Fairtrade project

Our schools has got in touch with Emaús and two volunteers have come to show us the basics of "Fairtrade". we have also done a videoconference with the president of "TARA" (a NGO that helps poor people in India, lends them some money for their business and helps them to integrate in the professional world).

Christmas Activity

This christmas one of us has been in France in the "soldes" but unfortunately, his parents had read incorrectly the dates and the "soldes" were two weeks later.